Friday, July 17, 2009

Sumo Tube

I do not know where my brother got this contraption, but I can only imagine some sort of deal with the devil. It sucks... Well, it sucks for me... Basically it is an aired up cone with holes for your arms and your head, that you drag mercilessly behind a boat and see how much lake water can be forced up your nose, into your eyes and your mouth.

This is me getting ready, taking deep breaths and preparing to skate across the top of the water at high speeds...

This is what actually happened... water in the face, mouth and eyes.

Once again getting ready to take off...

Once again water, face, eyes and stuff...

I still have hope, last try... I am dreading the sound of the boat taking off because...

Once again the end result is the same...

This is Alissa doing the sumo tube and why I hate it so much because as horribly as it works for me, it does the opposite for her...
I don't understand it... So graceful...

Alissa Heitz... Queen of the Sumo Tube...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

June 5, 2009

Randy Rodgers Band was playing at Wild Country and we lined up a Meet and Greet to contest out for US105 and here are pictures of the line to get in, the band and the crowd right when they concert was about to start. I left and went and sat outside... Its slowly becoming evident that I am starting to dislike crowds...

May 24, 2009

Another thing that we have been doing at work is a promotion for our rock station called Eagle Eye Candy. Basically it is my job to find the hottest girls in the area and convince them to do a photo shoot with me, where I put the pictures on the Eagle website and they get a copy of the pictures. Easy sometimes and hard at others. This night I was at a club and we crowned the Miss Denim and Diamonds. It was 'interesting'... I was really there to just scope out women for the Eagle Eye Candy thing, cause in my mind if they were willing to get up on stage for a competition like that, then they would be willing to let me take some pictures...

I was somewhat focusing on the judging criteria. I didn't really want to do it but the Manager was a judge for my talent show so I had no chance to turn it down.

Probably focusing less than I should...
This was about the time I realized that Evan was KEEPING NOTES!

Later on after many many drinks had been consumed I saw a friend of mine dancing with another dude so I figured it should be photographed and added to my blog!

Eagle Eye Candy...

They had a dunking booth in the friggin bar... so I took pictures of the people falling in the water
I love her facial expression...

May 23, 2009

As I have been reminded a few TOO MANY times by my brother, I haven't updated this blog in a while, so I am going to put up some backdated postings separated by date at the top. Sorry for the delay y'all but we have been doing this campaign at the station and it has required about 60 plus hours a week and I haven't had the time to do too many extracurricular things. So here it is...

I took this picture at a concert, thought it turned out pretty cool...

This one as well... Since I have been doing this job I have been taking more and more pictures at events and am thinking about branching off and doing some more pictures professionally...

The guy on the left is the Program Director for US105 and the girl on the left is a friend of the station.

This was a butterfly that I saw on the back porch at work. Kinda cool cause it just came out of the cocoon... I'd never seen that before.